The Truth About Trust - Inspirational Poem | My Prayers

The Truth About Trust

Absolute, unwavering trust in God is the greatest method of instantaneous healing
of body (son of man) and Soul (son of God). A steadfast and growing commitment
to arouse and consequently deepen our trust is the highest and most rewarding
goal one can aspire to. There is nothing more satisfying than the blissful tranquility
of meditating on and expanding upon the Truth, once it is realized. Those who
demonstrate Truth through their commitment to the practice of uncompromising
trust exert a profound and lasting influence on those others who are avidly seeking
to establish a firm belief in God's tender loving care, guidance and protection.

The Truth about trust is, our imperishable Soul, and its various manifestations,
is eternally safe in God's loving care and guidance to the degree we believe this to
be true. Our uppermost desire should be to continually awaken our ever-blossoming
consciousness which is, for the most part, mired in uninformed negativity. Eventually
we recognize this unburdening revelation to be the fruit of the soothing balm of trust.
The realization that God is always willing to help us is the turning point of eternal life.
The everlasting now becomes the jubilant existence it was always meant to be.

The Truth about trust was universally bequeathed to humanity by an orderly
succession of enlightened prophets including, but not limited to Jesus, Krishna
and Buddha, each of whom possessed and demonstrated the ultimate awakening
of the Christ Consciousness in all its effulgence. Their purpose was to inspire us to
understand how we may bring to fruition our spiritually aligned hopes and desires
by placing our trust in the power emanating from the unwavering rock of Truth.

©3/10/15 Paul Martin. All rights reserved | The Truth About Trust |

Inspirational Poems/Spiritual Poems
Church God Christ
Inspirational Poems
Man's Best Friend
My Prayers
Perfect Partner
Poems of Encouragement
Spiritual Poems
The Lord's Prayer
Think of Love

Inspirational Music/Gospel Songs
God's Love
Gospel Songs
Home for Christmas
Inspirational Music
In the Silence
Let There Be Peace on Earth
The Freedom of the USA
The Promised Land
Together in Heaven

©2015 Paul Martin. All rights reserved. | The Truth About Trust |