I am a smile, I live inside you,
deep down in your Soul.
I can melt the hardest heart,
which on occasion is my goal.
Subtle sharing is my specialty,
I inspire trust and loyalty,
I confirm I am a loyal friend,
I draw your heart to me again.
Souls send forth a beaming smile,
and love comes shining through.
when we smile at one another,
we’re really saying… I love you.
A smile can only say what’s true,
Hello… I’m sorry… or, I care.
I understand… or, I believe you,
or, I am so glad you’re here.
So speak the language of a smile,
you will not need to say a word.
Most thoughts are better left unsaid,
most words need not be heard.
When we smile at one another
and exchange feelings with our eyes,
through these windows of our souls,
we speak the language of a smile.
Souls send forth a beaming smile,
and love comes shining through.
when we smile at one another,
we’re really saying… I love you.
©12/25/2015 Paul Martin. All rights reserved | The Language of a Smile | www.MyPrayers.net
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Ⓟ2016 Words, music and performed by Paul Martin
Produced and arranged by Paul Martin and Daryl Kojak.
©2016 Paul Martin. All rights reserved. | The Language of a Smile | MyPrayers.net
©2016 Paul Martin. All rights reserved. | The Language of a Smile | Inspirational Songs | www.MyPrayers.net