We’re sorry precious little Soul,
we were hoping you could live
a life in which you’d grow to be
someone who could give,
comfort to your loved ones,
in their later years,
as you respect them and protect them,
as you are caring and sincere.
Your love and dedication,
will be sorely missed,
to fulfill your obligations,
was to be your greatest wish.
Will you be waiting for them,
upon some distant shore?
Your love and understanding,
is what they’ll be hoping for.
Deep down in their hearts,
they have often had regrets,
You are held in high regard,
so they’re unable to forget.
They did not mean to hurt you,
If only they had known.
When God wishes to express His Love,
He sends a precious little Soul.
©3/28/2016 Paul Martin. All rights reserved.
Precious Little Soul | MyPrayers.net