Pious Parrot - Inspirational Music | MyPrayers.net ​​

Pious Parrot

There was a Pious Parrot,
who quoted Scripture night and day.
He was quite well versed
and knew exactly what to say.

He thrived on the attention,
as he would eloquently talk.
Yet if a cat would threaten,
He would worryingly squawk.

He spoke of Daniel’s lack of fear,
when he survived the lion’s den.
Unlike Daniel, when a cat was near,
his squawk was quite intense.

Pious Parrot was a simple bird,
who did not yet understand.
The truths that he was uttering,
were conceived at God’s command.

What he espoused was so profound,
he could barely understand it.
The meaning gradually evolved,
it was as God had planned it.

His trust had grown undaunting,
as he unceasingly declared it.
He no longer will be squawking,
like a frightened Pious Parrot.

©7/1/2016 Paul Martin. All rights reserved.
Pious Parrot | MyPrayers.net

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©7/4/2016 Paul Martin. All rights reserved. | Our Country's Motto | Inspirational Songs