Inspirational Music | Inspirational Songs | My Prayers

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Inspirational Music

As one reviews the songs titles they will notice they suggest pleasant ideas, which in their entirety as inspirational songs, represent spiritual treatments. They will serve to remind us there is more to life than meets the eye as they open our hearts and minds to experience the blessings of Love, friendship and concern for others.

The words, ideas and innovatively pleasing accompaniments help us to realize and subsequently remember, we are children of God created equal and equally loved. We will be able to enjoy His protection throughout eternal life to the degree we trust in His ever-present love and guidance.

Love of God, love for people, gratitude and friendship are the central themes in the this inspirational music as it should be in life. They are "feel better" inspirational songs as they reaffirm that we are not alone. We are always able to enjoy the love and support of friends and the ever-present Love of our Creator as we progress happily throughout eternal life.....

©2015 Paul Martin. All rights reserved
Inspirational Music | Inspirational Songs