Together in Heaven
My dearest friends and family there are things I’d like to say
first of all I’ll let you know I arrived here safe today.
I am sending word from heaven where I’ll dwell with God above;
there are no tears and sorrow, there is only peace and love.
I had to leave you as my time on earth was through;
loved ones waited for me just as I will wait for you.
I missed them and I am happy to be with them again;
I want you all to know I’m here with family and friends.
God gave me many tasks he wishes me to do;
high up on the list is watching over all of you.
Don’t think I do not hear you because I am out of sight;
remember I am with you every morning, noon and night.
When your load gets heavy don’t cry too many tears;
then I can whisper to you what you will need to hear.
I always will be near you to guide you through each day;
remember when you need me I am just a thought away.
Our love will build a highway and our memories a lane;
I’ll walk right down from heaven and be with you again.
Remember when you miss me and I am on your mind;
although you will not see me I’ll be just a step behind.
When your life on earth is over and your soul is finally free;
believe me when I tell you, you’ll be coming home with me.
©2005 Paul Martin. All rights reserved
Together in Heaven |
Sweet Liberty
America, America, God shed His grace on thee.
And crown thy good with brotherhood, and our Sweet Liberty.
Remember 9/11 and the heartbreak it has caused,
we’ll always be remembering those whose lives were lost.
We were shaken and forsaken on that fateful day,
united by uncertainty, we all began to pray.
“Lord guide us in our darkest hour, let us appreciate,
the liberty and equality that make our country great.
Help us to remember that our freedom’s never free,
lives are lost to pay the cost of our Sweet Liberty.”
America, America, God shed his grace on thee.
And crown thy good with brotherhood, and our Sweet Liberty.
To those whose lives were taken by this senseless tragedy,
you’ll always be an honored part of our country’s history.
You’ll live on in our memories, for we meant what we said,
we will remember 9/11 and the freedom we defend.
America, America, God shed His grace on thee.
And crown thy good with brotherhood, and our Sweet Liberty.
©2/25/2017 Paul Martin. All rights reserved.
Sweet Liberty |