I am a fallen Angel,
I’ve reaped what I have sown.
I left my home in paradise,
for the lure of the unknown,
I was enticed by sensuality,
it seemed like a better life.
If only I had known about
the toils, snares and strife.
It seems I wasn’t satisfied
to be blissful and inspired.
I should have known this world
would leave a lot to be desired.
Who can better understand
the life for which I yearn?
Than all the fallen Angels
who are longing to return.
Someday, I will find my way
back to
The Promised Land
Now that I have been here,
I will not come back again.
I am a fallen Angel,
I seek assurance from above.
I long to be with God again,
to be enveloped by His Love.
©1/6/2014 Paul Martin. All rights reserved.
Fallen Angel | www.MyPrayers.net