Dear Visitors, is a website overflowing with spiritual insights, inspirational poems, songs and prayers which engender comfort and peace of mind. We serve thousands of different people from all over the world every month – with many more thousands of page views. Commerce is fine. Advertising is not necessarily a bad thing. But we don’t believe it belongs on our inspirational and supportive website. is somewhat special. It is like a public library or a public park. It is a temple for the craving mind. It is a place we can all return to, again and again, to find relief from the drama of the world and be lifted above the everyday beliefs that disturb our peace of mind. When was begun we would have modeled it into a profit making entity with advertising banners and/or by choosing to deny our visitors full access to content in lieu of payment, but we decided it is not right for us to make a profit.
Unlimited access to every poem, prayer or song and all sheet music is entirely free of charge. We appreciate those who decide to purchase our songs but it is optional and totally a matter of choice. One of the things we do different is we allow you to hear each entire inspirational song free of charge and without limitation while on our website. It is also very convenient way to listen. If you access our songs through your various devices it allows you to follow along with the lyrics simultaneously if you so desire.
The download features such as iTunes, CDBaby, and Amazon are for the convenience of those who prefer that particular mode of listening. The price of downloading songs is preset by the vendors. If it were our choice there would be no charge. Our printable sheet music will remain free of charge and is quite a popular and rapidly expanding feature. Feel free to add our available songs to your repertoire.
We've worked hard over the years to keep our lean and focused. We are fulfilling our mission efficiently and expanding our online presence rapidly thanks to your interest and support.
Many Blessings,