My Prayer | Inspirational Poem |

My Prayer

No person, place, thing, situation, circumstance, suggestion, opinion or prophesy​
has any power to either bless or harm me or to hold me in psychological bondage.​
God is the one and only divine and omnipotent power of causation and creation.​
My Individuality is the localized expression of God's presence, power, principle, love and eternal being.​
I am here in this present moment in order for God to express himself through me.​
There is no true thought that has ever been thought or ever will be thought​
that is not presently contained in my one true source, the divine mind of God.​
I, as an individual expression of divine mind, access all my true thoughts from God.​
When I think unlimited spiritual thoughts I manifest and experience courage, faith, goodness, peace and love.​
When I think limited unspiritual thoughts I manifest and experience, fear, anxiety and lack.​
I realize the quality of my thoughts determines the nature and quality of my experiences.​
I have come to believe that God is the only power and He illuminates me through the imagery of my thoughts.​
He is the light, I am the projector, and the films are the thoughts which I project into the theater of my life.​
I have a choice as well as a responsibility to God, myself and others, as to what thoughts​
I access from the inexhaustible reservoir of consciousness known as Divine Mind. ​
I can increasingly access higher consciousness as my spiritual understanding blossoms. ​
My intuitive understanding reassures me that my thoughts, my prayers, are the only creative factor in my life. ​
There can be no thought without emotion and no emotion without reaction. I have a choice of what I think. ​
Therefore, I create my own emotional and physical well being by constantly focusing my thoughts on ​
the most ideal life I can imagine. I shape my own eternal destiny by what I think in the present moment. ​
When I think of the past it becomes the present. When I think of the future it becomes the present.​
If I'm to do either, I will confine myself to inspiring thoughts, for God's love is as close as my thoughts.​
I realize my inner world of thought determines my outer conditions, ​
yet I need not allow outer conditions to affect my inner world of thought.​
My mind is like a mirror, it reflects back what I see and feel in the cinema of my thinking​
and affects me accordingly. My every thought reverberates throughout my entire being.​
Focusing upon the uncertainty, confusion, delusion, or the unpleasant images and suggestions ​
of the outer world makes me unhappy, unhealthy and hinders my ability to receive God’s guidance.​
Meditating upon the great truths of eternal being increasingly opens the aperture between God and myself ​
and results in an ever-increasing flow of divine love, intuition, inspiration, enlightenment and harmony.​
My mind becomes composed, authoritative and empowered by an ever-expanding connection to divine order.​
My body is able to function ever more perfectly as it is nourished by the peace filled light of the one divine mind.​
I experience a blissful feeling of timeless awareness known throughout the ages as the state of Grace.​
In prayer, I do not ask for more love, I ask to be more loving, for it is in giving that I receive. ​
I pray for the ongoing humility to receive love. In doing so I experience peace, contentment and the joy of living. ​
I pray for knowledge of His will and my constant desire is to cultivate this wisdom. ​
Therefore, I pray for an understanding heart in order that I may be increasingly able to awaken to his will.​
In doing so I experience the glowing freedom of living in the moment. In doing so I radiate God's love to others.​

My most prized possession is the power to choose how I think of any situation.​
It's not what happens to me, but rather what happens in me as a result of what happens to me.​
It's what I think about what happens to me that makes the difference between happiness and misery ​
in any given situation. I can choose to see each new trial as an opportunity for spiritual expansion.​
Does what has befallen me hinder me one bit from being kind, patient, joyful, generous, unselfish, forgiving, ​
sincere, humble, accepting, devoted, loyal, courageous, free spirited and from acting with integrity and dignity?​
Does a supposed misfortune hinder me from possessing all of these qualities the presence of which enable my​
nature to continue to become more fully mature as I profit from each new spiritual awakening? ​
This is not misfortune but to possess the qualities that enable me to accept my trials nobly is good fortune. ​
To be willing to accept my trials nobly is to have faith in God and his infinite wisdom and love for all creation and to ​
know that He will protect and guide me throughout eternity to the degree I understand this phenomenon to be true.​

©2014 Paul Martin. All rights reserved. | My Prayer | Inspirational Poems

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Man's Best Friend
My Prayers
Perfect Partner
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The Lord's Prayer
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In the Silence
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The Promised Land
Together in Heaven

©2014 Paul Martin | My Prayer |

The Baptism of Jesus.
Painting by Carl Bloch.