I am your average well adjusted canine and am otherwise known as a dog.
I come from a good family and have a wonderful disposition.
Now I would like to tell you about the secret life of dogs.
It is a well known fact we give our masters immeasurable unconditional love.
We are faithful and make good companions. We are able to read their minds
and are usually aware of what they are thinking before they know themselves.
We sense when they are on their way home even if they are many miles away.
We have an uncanny ability to find our way home even from faraway places.
We cannot express ourselves verbally but we do express ourselves behaviorally and,
more importantly, we communicate telepathically. One way or another, we manage
to make our feelings known. We are capable of executing many sophisticated tasks,
although we prefer this to be a labor of love reserved exclusively for our masters.
We remain devoted to our masters even at times when they do not return our love.
We are life’s unsung heroes as we have done much to consistently comfort humanity.
We are not complicated, we simply enjoy giving love and will do just about anything
we possibly can to receive it. Once we give our love we never withhold it as this can
cause a great deal of unhappiness. We are perfectly willing to have our lives revolve
around the lives of our masters and we remain devoted to them until the very end.
We see all God’s children as equal and have no preferences as to race, color or creed.
It is appropriate we are considered to be among life’s truly unconditional lovers and
it is no small wonder we are affectionately and deservedly called “Man’s Best Friend.”
©2012 Paul Martin. All rights reserved. | Man's Best Friend | www.MyPrayers.net