A good King must possess the wisdom of Solomon.
His judgments are always insightful and impartial.
His uppermost desire is for the welfare of his subjects.
If he must select a Queen he should choose from
among those who possess character and integrity.
He should desire a woman who is fit to be his Queen.
Someone strong enough to allow herself to be feminine,
and wise enough to counsel him in the midst of his trials.
He cherishes his Queen and she respects him as her King.
She gives him the support he needs to shield her from the world
and the insights he requires to use his power wisely.
He protects her so she will not lose her child like innocence,
for within her innocence lies the wisdom of the ages.
There are times when a King may need to walk alone.
If he cannot do this, he is not fit to be a King.
He can live without a Queen if need be,
although this is never his first choice or desire.
He knows a King without a loyal Queen is somewhat like
a storm tossed ship that must struggle to stay its course,
or a faltering sail without a full wind to propel its journey.
©2011 Paul Martin. All rights reserved
Kings and Queens | www.MyPrayers.net