Cause and Effect, a.k.a., Karma is an uncompromising law whereby the consequences of thoughts
and actions sown are reaped precisely in kind.* In order to receive good things back in kind, we
need to attract other good people into our lives. The more good we do, the more we attract good
into our lives. Our good thoughts and actions ripple through humanity and create a chain reaction.
We are creators made in the image and likeness of our Creator. We may believe our thoughts and
actions are inconsequential, the reality is we can play an important role in uplifting humanity.**
The good deed we did this morning may have been passed on and on and made its way around the
entire world by evening.It would follow that everyone who passes a good deed on to others creates
their own little chain reaction. Before long our personal world becomes filled with good people who are
connected by their good deeds, yet may have no idea of the far reaching effects their actions are
inconspicuously weaving. We are all emissaries of God and with love, we can create a better world.
The interesting part is it doesn’t matter if you are aware of the underlying effects, you will still
be a very positive force for change. The choices you make determine the effects you cause and
therefore determine the quality of your world. The long term effects of your choices will ripple
down through humanity for centuries and beyond and actually change the course of many lives,
and inadvertently, history itself. The reality is we all can play a truthful and significant part
in uplifting the consciousness of humanity and enhancing the resultant unfoldment of history.
It may come as a surprise that the highest expression of a good deed is rooted in being careful
not to hurt others by continually putting yourself in their shoes. Ask yourself, “Would I like this
done to me?” This is the true test of right and wrong in God’s eyes and will always supersede the
hypocrisy of conscienceless delusion which is often unwittingly imposed upon us by our forefathers.
We reap the consequences of inherited, mindless, inconsiderate and hypocritical thoughts and actions.
Herein lies the true meaning of the Biblical pronouncement, “We suffer for the sins of our Fathers”.
The reality is sin is nothing more than ignorance of God’s unalterable laws of Cause and Effect.
Simply put, we must take care not to hurt others if we want to have an increasingly meaningful life.
Eventually, we all will understand, “the love we receive is precisely equal to the love we give.” ***
© 2012 Paul Martin. All rights reserved.
Good Deeds |
* refer to “Truth or Consequences” by Paul Martin
** refer to “The Mortal Dream” by Paul Martin
*** refer to “God’s Love” by Paul Martin