Photos Paul Martin
Contemplatioin - Inspirational Poem | My Prayers


Our natural state of being is to bask in the radiant joy of peace, love and harmony.
I have within me a higher and a lower nature which are occasionally at odds.
My higher nature thrives on Love while my lower nature struggles with fear.
As my higher nature becomes increasingly evolved I am able to cultivate
blissful love as I rise above delusive fear through peaceful contemplation.
When unfettered my soul is omniscient and beholds God through intuition.

In order to feel Love I can choose to focus my thoughts on higher truths.
In intuitional communion I align my thoughts, actions, life and will with
God’s words of spiritually awakening truth until I know with certainty the
kingdom of heavenly bliss can be experienced in the precious here and now.

I then perceive all of creation as being precisely and lovingly orchestrated
by God and his angels. This obscure Divine Order is reminiscent of an ever
changing, yet always luminously flawless, kaleidoscope. I see all creation
as reflecting an endless variety of scenes and patterns, a succession of
changing phases and actions, shifting values and information, constantly
methodically evolving, being eternally uplifting and unfathomably precise.

I get a glimpse of the perfection we are all interconnected with and I am
reminded eternal life is a great adventure which becomes progressively
more rewarding as we climb the unimaginable heights of spiritual evolution.
This perceivable perfection has led me to the inescapable conclusion that
each moment of life is meant to be cherished, for it is all good. No matter
what difficulty we are faced with at the moment there will always be a light
at the end of the tunnel. Divine Order is correcting and adjusting for the
purpose of restoring the lost clarity of divine sight which is ours to reclaim.

As we progress in spiritual insights and wisdom life gets better and our trials
become less burdensome. We become more deeply immersed in Love and light
until eventually we are free to live with God in a paradise of contemplation.
One has only to lift the opaque veil of delusion and uncertainty to bask in
the glowing and blissful bright, fountain of light, love, hope, peace and joy.
We are blessed by the harmonious balance of infinite wisdom and love of our
indwelling Divinity as we progressively revel in the heavenly freedom of infinity.
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©7/5/2010 Paul Martin. All right reserved | Contemplation |
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See Illumination

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My Prayers
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©2010 Paul Martin. | Contemplation |